1920's Jazz Age Fashion & PhotographsMartin Pel and Terence PepperUnicorn in association with Fashion and Textile Museum, London 2016
ISBN 978 1 911604 22 8
$34.99 (Aust)
I must admit, my knowledge on 1920's fashion is quite limited. I have been constantly exposed to 1920's fashion in the TV show's such as, 'Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries' or the later years in 'Downton Abbey'. So you can understand why I was so excited to see this little gem of a book.
1920's Jazz Age is initially the book that accompanied the exhibition 1920s Jazz Age Fashion and Photographs at London's Fashion Textiles Museum back in 2016 - 2017. The publication covers the fashion, accessories and photography throughout the jazz age, 1919 to 1929.
The first chapter gives the reader a general overview of the 1920's movement. It was a time of freedom for women especially, able to take off their corsets, cut their hair short and be more free with self expression. Music, fashion, politics, sexuality, First World War brought so many changes to the 1920's.
Fashion in the 1920's wasn't just flapper dressers, this is what modern people tend to just think of, due to Hollywood's interpretation of the 20's. Fashion expanded with the demand of women par taking in more sport, driving automobiles and employment opportunities.
Continuing on with the book, we have a chapter about James Abbe, Photographer of the Jazz Age. An overview of his climb in the photography industry is illustrated with beautiful sepia and black and white photos.
The photos of the popular The Dolly Sisters feature in the collection. I was quite fascinated with these photos, because I had only seen The Dolly Sisters feature in the TV Series 'Selfridges'.
The Dolly Sisters portrayed in the TV Series
The next section is the Fashion Plates from the collection of Mark and Cleo Butterfield. Here we can fest our eyes on these delicious garments and admire the embroidery and beading. This is where I feel the reader can appreciate that the 20s wasn't just flapper dresses.
1920s Jazz Age Fashion and Photography is a great beginners resource for fashion history buffs. The complete overview of the time period is presented in a well balanced way. History, Politics, Fashion and Music all illustrated with the use of text, and photos, excellent resource.